Dr. Lindahl offers BOTOX® to relieve the Pain Of TMJ, Bruxism & Migraine Headaches.

Did you know that BOTOX® has therapeutic applications as well as cosmetic applications? It is ideal to release facial muscles in bruxism- a condition where a patient grinds and clenches his teeth. Dr. Lindahl can administer Botox® to treat muscle spasms, involuntary teeth clenching, symptoms of TMJ disorder and orofacial pain, including migraines. It can also be used as a non-invasive treatment to reduce the appearance of a “gummy smile”.

  • BOTOX® consultations and injections
  • Facial injection therapies
  • BOTOX® treatment for bruxism and TMJ symptoms
  • BOTOX® wrinkle treatments
  • BOTOX® treatment for facial pain and migraine headaches
  • Derma filler (Juvederm) consultations and injections
  • BOTOX® “gummy smile”
  • BOTOX® “Black Triangles”

    Llana-Gum-Contouring-Collage rolling hills dental cosmetic dentist dental implant veneers patient Dr Marty W Lindahl DDS top ratedMale and female Rolling Hills Dental patient smiles at the camera showing off botox

Renew Your Youth at Rolling Hills Dental with Botox.

Give Our Office a Call Today! Request An Appointment

80% of headaches are tension type headaches and migraines caused by tightening the muscles in the face, neck, and head. Other common pain caused by dental issues include TMD/TMJ, a misaligned jaw, overworked jaw muscles, teeth grinding and clenching; these all cause facial and head pain. Relaxing these muscles is the key to treating and relieving that pain. BOTOX® is probably the most effective way to treat this pain because it works by blocking nerve impulses that cause the muscles to contract. In fact, BOTOX® is FDA approved for the treatment of chronic migraine.

Dr. Lindahl has received extensive training in the head and neck and is a experts in the way muscles and joints work in the jaw. Dr. Lindahl can palpate the muscles, locate over tense muscles/locate trigger points through both an internal and external oral exam. (A trigger point is a hyper-irritable spot in the skeletal muscle associated with palpable nodules in the bands of muscle fibers.)

Once the BOTOX® is injected into the trigger points, it allows those muscles to relax and it keeps them from becoming tight again for up to three months. Some patients find relief from their symptoms within a few hours, while it may take two treatments, twelve weeks apart before maximum headache prevention is achieved.

Give us a call or fill out our online form if you suffer from TMJ pain, bruxism or chronic headaches/migraines. We can help! Rolling Hills Dental Office Phone Number 865-983-4444.