Soft Denture Liners

A model of a prosthetic dentureA soft liner is a layer of soft, pliable material that is fitted between the surface of a denture and your oral tissues. It absorbs shock between the hard base of your denture and your gums. Soft liners can be used when creating new dentures or retrofitted into existing dentures.

Permanent soft liners provide comfort and relief for individuals with receded and flattened gum tissues that don’t respond well to the stress of dentures. They may also be a suitable solution for patients with chronically sore gum tissues or gums with sharp bony areas.

Advantages of Soft Liners

  • More comfortable to use
  • Virtually all patients respond well to soft liner materials
  • Easier chewing
  • A proven technology with over 20 years of innovation

Soft liners require regular follow-up visits with Dr. Lindahl to examine the fit of dentures and general oral health.

Curious to find out what missing teeth solution is right for you? Check out Dr. Lindahl’s Important Tips to Know When Searching for Solutions to Missing Teeth.

Marty W. Lindahl, DDS – Which tooth replacement option is right for me?
There are many ways to replace missing teeth and we believe each treatment should be customized to best fit the individual patient. The best way to determine which treatment is appropriate is to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Lindahl. During this time, the patients you will undergo an evaluation to decide which restorative method is best. The evaluation will include talking with Dr. Lindahl about what you would like to achieve with your new dental restoration, whether you prefer something fixed or removable, and in this session we will discuss your financial options. By taking these elements into consideration, our team can support you in making an educated towards the best solution. We never choose for our patients, we prefer to give patients the information they need to make knowledgeable choices that ensure their long-lasting satisfaction and best health.

Schedule an appointment at Rolling Hills Dental Rolling Hills Dental Office Phone Number 865-983-4444.

Dr. Marty W. Lindahl of Knoxville, TN is a general, cosmetic, and restorative dentist who provides a variety of services to patients who are interested in enhancing the appearance of their smiles while improving their oral health and wellness. At Rolling Hills Dental, our team of dental professionals are here for you if you want to find out more about your options for restoring tooth loss. Call us today at Rolling Hills Dental Office Phone Number 865-983-4444 or visit us at 2625 Old Niles Ferry Rd.